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Services Megan Potter Offers: Marriage Check-in Sessions

marriage check-in
Marriage Check-In Session

What is a Marriage Check-In?

What do you think of when you hear, marriage check-in? The opinions differ, but what I hear is an opportunity to check-in with your partner.

Consider this. Do you go to the doctor once per year for a check-up? Or do you take your car in for an oil change? Both doctor check-ups and oil changes are preventative. Going to a check-up or getting your oil changed doesn’t mean your body is decaying or your car is horrible, does it? No. You do both of those things to prevent further damage in case there is an issue. And that is what I mean by “marriage check-in”. Marriage check-ins work as a preventative action for your relationship.

Some of my couples have been married a short time and want to simply ‘check-in’ to verify they are maintaining healthy habits and communication within their new marriage. I encourage all of my premarital counseling clients to check back in with me once they have been married for a year.

What if we need more than just a check-in?

The services I offer for married couples varies, so I offer more than just check-ins.

Some of my clients have been married eight to ten years and see me every other week for several months. These couples have a specific topics they want to discuss or they are feeling far away from their spouse.

What are some reasons couples attend marriage sessions?

All reasons are valid to attend a marriage session, but here are a few populare reasons. Do you feel once the kids were born you and your spouse grew distant? Do you struggle to communicate with your spouse? Do you feel like he is just not listening to you? Do you feel like you try to say the right thing, but it keeps coming out wrong? Do you feel more like roommates than lovers? Do you wonder what he is thinking because he just won’t tell you? If you have ever felt this way, reach out and let’s talk about scheduling some sessions for you and your partner.

What would we talk about?

Don’t be nervous. I encourage laughter in all of my sessions. Will we discuss tough topics? Yes. Will we still make time for laughing? Yes.

Depending on your needs we will spend varying amounts of time on each subject. We will discuss the family you grew up in, in-laws, children, communication, conflict, money, and sex. We talk about the REAL issues, together. Some issues can be difficult, but we work together to discuss how you can both benefit.

The only thing you need to bring to the sessions are two willing attitudes. If you are willing and ready to receive help and your partner does not engage or try, then you will not have success. I have never had any clients like this, in six years. Probably because I choose to be very transparent up front. Both people in the relationship must want to work together to strengthen your marriage. You truly do get out what you put into sessions with me.

How do I schedule a Marriage Session with Megan?

Simply fill out my contact form here. I will email you promptly to discuss your needs and what I recommend as the best option for you and your partner. Then I will send you package options and pricing. All sessions with me are via Facetime or Zoom.